Thursday, February 27, 2020

Stereotypes of Gender, Race and Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stereotypes of Gender, Race and Class - Essay Example The ages of women mostly depicted in the show are those in their 20s and 30s, and the ideal look is someone who is sexy and sleek. The black American woman was, however, once treated inferior to the white woman, and was once associated with slavery, especially in the early 20th century even years after the Civil War, and that their black hair is even â€Å"part of the legacy of slavery† (My Black is Beautiful, Episode 3). Aside from these, no other such comments are given regarding African-American women, as the whole show seems to be one that empowers them. In fact, although neither the host of the show or the panelists said it, the show was somehow aimed at African American women in the United States who somehow still have the inferiority complex due to their skin color. The show is actually almost 99% positive, praising the Black American woman in every way possible – through their intelligence, physical appearance, and natural charm. Nevertheless, the mere presence of a special video presentation as this means that there is actually stereotyping of African-American women. Admittedly, the stereotype of an African-American woman, especially outside the United States, maybe that of someone who is inferior not only because of skin color but also because of both the dark skin color and the fact that they are women. Black American women, therefore, although they do not explicitly say it, may actually be facing discrimination all the time from those who look down on both women and dark-skinned people. This may even actually be the ma in reason for having such a TV show on empowering black women. In fact, the show is full of comments which are  geared to uplift the status of black women. Most of these comments like â€Å"We make any color work regardless of what color that is,† or â€Å"We come in different shapes and sizes,† are actually also true of any other race of women (My Black is Beautiful, Episode 1).

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Organization System - Organizational Change and Stress Management Term Paper

The Organization System - Organizational Change and Stress Management - Term Paper Example Many times the change agents may lack the skills, competencies and the ability necessary for the change process. Under the circumstances, they shift the responsibility for resistance to the characteristics and attributes of change recipients (Ford, Ford, & D’Ameliao, 2008). Change agents could also incite resistance by breaking their agreements both before and during the change process leading to loss of trust. People tend to resist when they experience betrayal or injustice. This can result in negative behaviours such as stealing, lower productivity, lower quality and lack of cooperation. Change agents may fail to recognize that adjustment to change takes time. This lack of knowledge among the change agents would make them push the employees to change which can lead to frustration and resistance. Change agents may fail to involve certain people that are essential for change (Kee & Newcomer, 2008). Change agents nay fail to legitimize change; they may not be able to represent the chances of success of the change process, thereby causing resistance. However, all these factors fall under lack of change management skills and ability. Nevertheless, change agents contribute to resistance through their own shortcomings. Resistance to change can be used as change agent Resistance to change has always been criticized for hindering growth and development of an organization but Ford, Ford and D’Amelio (2008) highlight that resistance to change can be used as strengths of change. Fear is a great source of resistance as people are hesitant to change the established patterns. They believe that new patters have value but unfamiliarity causes resistance. Conversation is an important part of the change process and resistance helps keep the conversation in existence, contend Ford et al. The discussions may be negative and full of complaints but it helps keep the subject alive. This in fact is focusing on the issue of change. It helps the change agents to understan d the concerns of the recipients and also gives them an opportunity to create translations which could contribute to the expansion of change. Resistance is a form of engagement with change. When high levels of information processing goes on it can lead to scrutiny and counter arguments. These thoughtful discussions represent a significant win for the change agents as it can provide the change agents with motivated partners for change. When change recipients feel threatened by the change as they fear losing something of value in the organization, they may express their concerns. Such concerns come from those who are high in organizational identity and psychological ownership.Â